Our South African Journal

Monday, October 19, 2015

Sunday, October 11, 2015 will go down as one of the great days of our mission. Last Sunday we visited a family that had called and asked us to come and teach them. They have been less active for several years. We visited them a couple of times during the week and we asked them if they would come to church this Sunday. They said they would. But we know that sometimes people make commitments they can’t or won’t keep.  Elder Hind had to run an errand so I was the only one waiting in the foyer of the church to see if they would come. Then I saw them come through the gate and my eyes filled with tears. The children ran to me and threw their arms around me. It is a wonderful memory. The best thing was that the branch members all greeted them and spoke to them. We didn’t have to worry about them.

We went out to the school we are helping. They were repairing the floors in some of the classrooms so we had a meeting outside under a tree. We passed out “For the Strength of Youth” booklets and talked to them about making good choices. They loved Elder Hind because he is such a goof ball. And they liked the young elders we brought with us because they promised to play soccer with them.

We went out to Madadeni to deliver a wooden step that Elder Hind built for a family there. Whenever you go in and out of their house you have to step on some large wobbly stones. Elder Hind always has to help me in and out of the house. Now with that step it is easy to go in and out. He got the wood at a local builder’s supply store and they gave it to him for free because he told them what he was doing with it. He also got the name and number of the store employee so we could visit him with the young elders.

On Thursday we went back out to the school. Sister Zackrison came with us and taught them proper hand washing and tooth brushing. It had to be done outside because they were still working on the floors. She also passed out toothpaste to everyone. 

Sister Z teaching her lesson

Then 4 of the young missionaries and a member showed up with a soccer ball. You would have thought they were celebrities! The kids all started cheering. They had a good game and the missionaries got trounced, 1-3. The whole school watched them play. It was a good day.

We met the Madadeni 2 missionaries out in the township after lunch on Friday and drove around with them and visited people. We saw the less active family we are teaching and a had good lesson with them. And then we had a visit with the contact Elder Hind had made. We had a short lesson with them and gave them a Book of Mormon. We couldn’t get them to commit to a second appointment but the elders said they will drop by again soon and see if they can get an appointment.

We also visited with a less active sister that had asked for a visit from the senior missionaries. She had a close relationship with a senior couple when she was baptized and is looking for that kind of friendship again. We are happy to be her friends. She also asked us for some American recipes. We will have to find some that will work with local ingredients.

After a few more visits and lessons we ended up at an active Sister’s house for a Family Home Evening. We had a nice lesson on the Restoration and of course she had to feed us dinner. Elder Hind said it was the best meal he has had here in South Africa. It was good but he was also really hungry.

We saw this t -shirt in a store window at the mall


  1. Nothing like seeing investigators walk through the doors on Sunday.

  2. Nothing like seeing investigators walk through the doors on Sunday.

  3. I love this! That's such a great feeling. I wish I could be a fly on the wall of your mission for a day or two.
