Our South African Journal

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

We went to two Sacrament Meetings on Sunday. Our own and then to Madadeni 2 because they were getting a new branch president. After church Elder Hind took me home because I really needed a nap after not sleeping well the night before. He drove back out to Madadeni to go visiting with the elders.

Boyd K. Packer
We dedicated our Family Home Evening to President Packer who passed away last week. We watched the video, “Spiritual Crocodiles” that is based on a talk he gave back in the 70s. Then we played Jenga. I had numbers on some of the blocks that corresponded with parts of a talk given by Elder Packer. So if they removed that block they had to read a section of his talk. Everyone really liked it and had fun. I made fry bread for refreshments. The elder from New Mexico especially appreciated that.

Some of our Family Home Evening YSAs

We had our DDM in our home this week so I could make lunch for the elders in the Madadeni District. After we had our meeting I was just serving lunch when the Newcastle District elders all showed up. Some were polite enough to leave after taking care of what ever made them come by. But some were bold enough to stay and eat even if they were not invited.


We finally, after 3 months, got the bakkie back. I can’t believe how long the repairs took. However it does look great. This will change our mission. Having another car in our area will save some wear and tear on our car and lower our gasoline expenditures. Gas costs around $5 a gallon here. Elder Hind drove the bakkie out to pick up the Madadeni elders. They were not expecting it. They were like little kids at Christmas. Elder Hind made the driving elder drive around so he could see how good he is. He passed the test. Now they can move into the Newcastle flats.
Some very happy young men
A couple of weeks ago when we were out in Osisweni I notice some signs with a hand painted picture of a chicken on them. These were usually hanging on the gate or fence of the house. I asked the elders what the sign said and they told me it said “We sell chickens”. I told the elders that I wanted one. They are just such great examples of the local folk art. One of the elders told me that I could probably have one made for me. I told him I didn’t want a new one made for me. I wanted one that was actually used to sell chickens and that had hung on a fence in the weather and was a little beat up. Well guess what, they bought one for me! A member had one and they weren’t selling chickens anymore. I am going to hang it on the wall here and then it is going to hang on the wall of my kitchen when I get home. I am so excited.

I love this!
On the same day I got the chicken sign I bought a big tea pot I saw in a shop down town. We were picking up a little more fabric for the crazy quilts and I spotted this big yellow enamel wear tea pot in a shop window. I told Elder Hind that it would make a great hot chocolate pot when we go camping. So we bought it. Now that I have it I am not sure I can bring myself to take it camping. It may just have a life of leisure sitting on my kitchen counter, brightening up my day and reminding me of Africa.

The Osisweni Branch is planning a temple trip in August. The temple is a 4 hour drive from here. The branches here hire a van to drive them to the temple. We want to go but the mission president will be in town that day and we have meetings. Anyway we have been asked by the Osisweni Branch President to visit everyone that has signed up to go and give them a temple preparation lesson and answer their questions. Most of them are not going for the first time but they don’t go often so they need all the training and preparation we can give them. The elders will take us around in the township because we wouldn’t be able to find these people on our own.

I had a Young Women's activity on Saturday. We are still working on our crazy quilts. They are coming along nicely.

The crazy quilts are getting crazier!
I think mine is done.

 On Saturday night we went out to visit one of our favorite families.We had a nice Family Home Evening. We had a lesson and played a game and then they served us Rooibos and cake. One of the little girls painted a picture for me.

The little girl in the pink is the one that painted the picture for me


  1. Kyle wants you to know he likes the "We sell chickens" sign.

  2. Noah says " I never knew they had Hello Kitty in South Africa!"

    1. I see a lot of Hello Kitty around here so it much be pretty popular.
